Category Archives: Research

MinMig Final Report Published!

The final report for my research project “MinMig – Accommodating Linguistic, Religious and Cultural Diversity Through a Comparative Analysis of Minorities’ and Migrants’ Claims”, funded by the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano, has now been published in English, German and Italian.

MinMig consisted in a comparative analysis of the claims made by “old” national and “new” migrant minorities, focusing on the European Region Tyrol – South Tyrol – Trentino as a case study. The project aimed to shed light on the question whether “new” minorities strive for similar protection mechanisms to those in place for “old” minorities, and which measures designed for national minorities might be beneficially extended to migrant groups. Conducting diversity-related research in times of a global pandemic was a particularly challenging task, I’m therefore especially happy about the very interesting results that MinMig presented us with. Happy reading!

Webinar series on “Minorities and Covid-19”

The Institute for Minority Rights at Eurac Research is organizing a webinar series on “Minorities and Covid-19”.

For more information on the series, the contents and topics of each individual webinar session, as well as the corresponding Zoom registration links, please check the Institute for Minority Rights’ Facebook page.

In case you can’t enter the Zoom webinar, as there is a limit on the number of participants, you can also stream the webinar via the Institute for Minority Rights’ Facebook page, or re-watch it at a later time on our YouTube channel.

New blog post on health and mobility in times of Covid-19!

Eurac Research has launched a new research blog, titled “Covid-19 and Beyond – How we can reboot the world after the pandemic”, which takes an interdisciplinary look at developments during and future scenarios after the coronavirus crisis. I’m happy to be able to contribute to this great new platform with a post on the interconnectedness of health and mobility.

New paper on the empowerment of female migrants through self-organized networks!

I’m happy to share a new open access paper I’ve co-authored with Susanne Elsen from the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano.

It’s titled “Empowerment of female migrants through self-organized network structures in Bavaria: A best-practice model for South Tyrol?” and has just been published in the journal soziales_kapital.

You can read it online here.

New job!

I’m very happy to announce that as of March 1st, 2020, I will be working as Senior Researcher at the Institute for Minority Rights, Eurac Research, Bozen/Bolzano, Italy. My research project, titled MinMigAccommodating Linguistic, Religious and Cultural Diversity Through A Comparative Analysis of Minorities’ and Migrants’ Claims is funded by the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano. Its aim is to look at national minorities’ and migrants’ claims, analyze similarities and differences, and investigate whether some protection measures designed for national minorities could be applicable to migrants as well. I’m very much looking forward to working on this new interesting topic, and to enjoying the atmosphere and the collaboration opportunities of yet another renowned international research institute!

Edited volume “Health in Diversity” out now!

I’m very happy to announce that our edited volume “Health in Diversity – Diversity in Health: (Forced) Migration, Social Diversification and Health in a Changing World” has now been published by Springer VS!

The book, edited by me, Ulrich Becker and Elisabeth Wacker, offers an interdisciplinary and international look at the relationship between refugees, diversity, and health, including health care policies, socio-political framework conditions, environmental factors, the situation in refugee camps, quality-of-life approaches and economical perspectives.

You can order both the softcover and the e-book versions here.

New Article and Book Review in JEMIE!

My paper “Europeanization and the ‘Regionalization’ of National Minority Identity” has recently been published by JEMIE – Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, along with a Review of “Extending Protection to Migrant Populations in Europe: Old and New Minorities“, a volume edited by Roberta Medda-Windischer, Caitlin Boulter and Tove H. Malloy.

Both publications are open access, and can be found following this link.

Winter workshop at Ringberg Castle

From 22-24th January 2020, we held our winter workshop “Diversität ermöglichen – Ungleichheit reduzieren – Nachhaltigkeit sicherstellen: Herausforderungen und Handlungsansätze in Wissenschaft und Governance” at Ringberg Castle, overlooking beautiful lake Tegernsee.

We discussed new approaches to achieving respect for diversity while reducing inequality and ensuring sustainability with researchers from the University of Salzburg (Dr. Katharina Kreissl) and from the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (Prof. Dr. Irmgard Tischner). You can find the workshop program here.

Summer Workshop on Social Systems and Diversity

I’m happy to announce that I was able to organize our summer workshop in cooperation with Prof. Elsen from the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in the beautiful alpine town of Brixen this year; this provided us with an opportunity to discussion potential future collaborations, and me with a chance to show my colleagues around my home region.

The workshop titled “Social Systems and Diversity: Research Fields and Research Methods in Interdisciplinary Comparison” took place from September 19 to 21, 2019 in Brixen. The workshop program is available here.