
Conference presentations

2023“Zum Spannungsverhältnis von Diversität, Partizipation und Gesundheit in ländlichen Räumen”. Fachsitzung Lokal-gemeinschaftliche Public-Health-Initiativen in ländlichen Räumen, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, 19-23 September 2023, Frankfurt am Main.
2023 Partizipation als Voraussetzung für eine inklusive Gesellschaft?“, Brixner Philosophietage Wie kann Politik gelingen? Politisches Engagement zwischen Partizipation und Agitation, 08-09 September 2023, Brixen.
2023“Social Media and Alternatives to Hegemonic Gender Discourses: Italian Feminist and LGBTQIA+ Content Creators on TikTok”. DNC5ALED: Discourses and their impacts on a world of multiple crises, 25-28 July 2023, Valencia.
2023Social Media im Spannungsfeld zwischen hegemonialen und diversitätssensiblen Genderdiskursen“. ÖGS Kongress 2023 Kritische Zeiten, 03-05 July 2023, Vienna.
2023“Social Media and Alternatives to Hegemonic Gender Discourses: Italian Feminist and LGBTQIA+ Content Creators on TikTok”. Workshop Excluded Spaces: Gender, identity and inequalities, 8 June 2023, Tarragona/ online.
2023“Separatism, Nationalism and Gendered Online Radicalization in Italy”, PSA Annual Conference 2023 Political Futures, 3-5 April 2023, Liverpool/online.
2022“Local Inclusion of ‘New’ Minorities in ‘Old’ Minority Contexts”, PSA Annual Conference 2022 Politics from the Margins, April 11-13 2022, York/online.
2021 “Different Types of Diversity, Similar Claims? A Regional Comparison of ‘old’ and ‘new’ Minorities”, ÖGPW Tag der Politikwissenschaft 2021, 25-16 November 2021, online.
2021“Diversity-Related Research in Times of Covid-19: Moving a Mixed Methods Project Online”, ÖGPW Tag der Politikwissenschaft 2021, 25-16 November 2021, online.
 “Old” and “new” minorities – Regional perspectives, synergies and differences. MinMig Concluding Expert Workshop, 04 November 2021, Bolzano/online.
2021 “Different Types of Diversity, Similar Claims? A Regional Comparison of ‘old’ and ‘new’ Minorities” UACES Annual Conference, 6-8 September 2021, online.
2021 (with Andreas Dibiasi, Mirjam Gruber, Max Walder)“Brexit and Covid-19: A Comparative Analysis of Political Polarization in UK
Newspapers Using a Long Short-Term Memory Recurring Neural Network (LSTM)”
DVPW Kongress 2021 “Politik in Zeiten von Unsicherheit und Autokratisierung”, 14-16 September
2021, online.
2021“Diversity-Related Research in Times of Covid-19: Moving a Mixed Methods Project
ECPR General Conference 2021, 30 August – 03 September 2021, online.
2021“Different Types of Diversity, Similar Claims? A Regional Comparison of ‘old’ and
‘new’ Minorities”
ECPR General Conference 2021, 30 August – 03 September 2021, online.
2021“Corona-Krise als Chance? Soziale Innovation, Transformation und die Aufwertung
ländlicher Wohn- und Lebensräume am Fallbeispiel Südtirol”
DGS/ÖGS Kongress 2021 “Post-Corona Gesellschaft? Pandemie, Krise und ihre Folgen”, August
23-25, 2021 online.
2021 “Diversity Governance in Public Discourse: The Case of Migrant Organizations“. 26th IPSA World Congress of Political Science “New Nationalisms in an Open World”, July 10-14, 2021, online.
2021“The ‘Regionalization’ of ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Minority Identities”.CES 27th International Conference of Europeanists “Europe’s Past, Present, and Future: Utopias and Dystopias”, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, online, June 21-25, 2021.
2021“The Minority Safepack Saga”. Workshop ‘Social Movements and Minority Rights'”
ECMI, Mai 20-21 2021, online.
2019“Framing of Diversity Issues in Public Discourse and Electoral Campaigns: Migration and Disability Compared“. Conference “20 Years of Degree Programme in Social Work: Awakening, Continuity and Change“, Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, November 21-22, 2019.
2019“Behinderung, Selbst-Identifikation und (neue?) Formen politischer Partizipation“. 1. Kongress der Teilhabeforschung, September 26-27 2019, Berlin.
2019“Disability and (new?) Possibilities for Political Participation in Regions“. 8th Annual ALTER Conference “Histories, Practices and Policies of Disability: International, Comparative and Transdisciplinary Perspectives”,  September 5-6 2019, Cologne.
2019 (with Katharina Kreissl)“Empowerment of female migrants through self-organized network structures – best practice models from Bavaria“. Fachtagung und wissenschaftliches Vernetzungstreffen der Diversity-Forschenden aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz “Von Diversity-Management zu Diversity & Inclusion?“, August 26-27 2019, St. Gallen.
2019“Between Consolidated Autonomy and Separatist Claims: a European Perspective on Present-Day South Tyrol“. IPSA Diversity and Democratic Governance: Legacies of the Past, Present Challenges, and Future Directions? University of Sarajevo, Juni 12-15 2019, Sarajevo.
2019“’United in Diversity’” in Regions: Ensuring Diversity Representation through Political Participation?” European Union Studies Association (EUSA) International Biennial Conference, 2019, Mai 09-12, Denver.
2019“(New Forms of) Political Participation in Regional Diversity Contexts: Challenges and Opportunities“ PSA 69th Annual International Conference (Un)Sustainable Politics in a Changing World, Nottingham Trent University, April 15-17, Nottingham.
2019“Diversity and (new?) Forms of Participation in Regions“ DVPW-Tagung “Governance of Big Transformations“, TUM School of Governance, March 21-23 2019, Munich.
2018“Politische Partizipation in regionalen Diversitätskontexten“. ÖGPW Tag der Politikwissenschaft, University of Innsbruck, 29-30 November 2018, Innsbruck.
2018“Diversität und politische Partizipation auf regionaler Ebene: Institutionen, Parteien und die Rolle der Zivilgesellschaft“. Diversity Netzwerktagung “Diversitätsforschung: Von der Rekonstruktion zur Disruption?“, Technical University of Munich, September 12-14 2018, Munich.
2018“Diversity and Participation in Political Processes“. Institute for Comparative Federalism In-House Seminar, Eurac Research, Bozen/Bolzano, 22/07/2018.
2018“Engaged Citizens, Sought-After Voters? Political Participation of Persons with Disabili­ties in Germany and Italy“. UACES 48th Annual Conference, September 2-5 2018, Bath.
2018“Inklusion und Partizipation von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung in Regionen – Bayern und Südtirol im europäischen Vergleich“. Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, Bozen/Bolzano, 18/05/2018.
2018“Engaged Citizens, Sought-After Voters? Political Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Germany and Italy“. Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Disability Studies and Disability Activism. May 2-4 2018, Malta.
2017“Overcoming borders: The Europeanization of Civil Society Activism in the ‘Refugee Crisis’“. 11th EISA Pan-European Conference on International Relations, September 13-16 2017, Barcelona.
2017Welfare State Systems and Notions of Solidarity in the ‘Refugee Crisis’: A Comparative Perspective. CES 24th Conference of Europeanists “Sustainability and Transformation“, Glasgow, July 10-12 2017.
2017Welfare State Systems and Notions of Solidarity in the ‘Refugee Crisis’: A Comparative Perspective. 22nd ASN Annual World Convention, Columbia University, New York, May 4-6 2017.
2016„Lastenverteilung“ oder „gemeinsame Verpflichtung“?  Zivilgesellschaftliche Diskurse und europäische Solidaritätskonzepte in der ‚Flüchtlingskrise‘, Jahrestagung Migrations- und Integrationsforschung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna, September 12-13 2016.
2016“Dividing Lines: Zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure als Wegbereiter gesellschaftspolitischer Bruchlinien im Rahmen der ‘Flüchtlingskrise’“ Sektionssitzung “Die Flüchtlingskrise: Zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure in der Problematisierung und Bearbeitung öffentlicher Probleme“ der Sektion Soziale Probleme und Soziale Kontrolle, “Geschlossene Gesellschaften“ – 38. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, University of Bamberg, September 26-29 2016.
2016“The Europeanization of Minority and Disability Rights: A Comparative View“. Disability Studies Conference, Lancaster University, September 6-8 2016.
2016“A ‘Common Commitment’: Civil Society and European Solidarity in the Refugee Crisis“. IPSA 24th World Congress of Political Science “Politics in a World of Inequality“, Poznan, July 23-28 2016.
2016“Bottom-Up Europeanization and Transnational Civil Society Collaboration: Examples from the Refugee Crisis“ & “Otherness as a Prerequisite for Self-Identification: Europeanization and Identity Change Regarding National Minorities“ 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology “The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World“, Vienna, 10-14 July 2016.
2016“Bottom-Up Europeanization and Transnational Civil Society Collaboration: Examples from the Refugee Crisis“ & “Europeanization and the Regionalization of National Minority Identity“ CES 23rd International Conference of Europeanists “Resilient Europe?“, Hilton Philadelphia Center City, 14-16 April 2016.
2016“How Independence Movements Trigger Flexibility in the EU“ Jean Monnet Symposium “How Much Flexibility and Differentiation can European Integration bear?“, European Academy Otzenhausen, 07-10 April 2016.
2016“’Dividing Lines’? Civil Society, Public Opinion and Migration Policy in Germany“ PSA 66th Annual International Conference “Politics and the Good Life“, Hilton Brighton Metropole, 21-23 March 2016.
2016“The Europeanization of Minority and Disability Rights: A Comparative View“ 18th International Conference on Disability and Diversity, London, 25-26 February 2016.
2015“The Securitization of Migration – the Role of Civil Society“. 9th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, European International Studies Association, Giardini Naxos, 23-26 September 2015.
2015“Europeanization and the ‘Regionalization’ Of National Minority Identity“. Workshop Comparative Approaches to Identity Change: Macro, Meso and Micro Perspectives, ECPR Joint Sessions Of Workshops, Warschau, 29 March – 2 April 2015.
2015“Minorities and Europeanization – Developments in ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Member States“. UACES CRN Centrifugal Europe Annual Research Symposium New Perspectives in European Studies: Europeanisation in the EU and the Neighbourhood, Queen’s University Belfast, 6-8 March 2015.
2015“Old’ vs. ‘New’ Minorities – An Identity-Based Approach to the Distinction Between Autochthonous and Immigrant Minorities“. European Union Studies Association Biennial Conference, Boston, 5-7 March 2015.
2015“Old’ vs. ‘New’ Minorities – An Identity-Based Approach to the Distinction Between Autochthonous and Immigrant Minorities“. Workshop Protecting And Including ‘New’ and ‘Old’ Minorities: Opportunities, Challenges, Synergies. Eurac Research, Bozen/Bolzano, 27 February 2015.
2014“Unabhängigkeitsbewegungen in der EU. Differenzierte Integration und das ‘Europa der Regionen’ als Gegenmodell“. Conference Der Anfang vom Ende? Formen differenzierter Integration und ihre Konsequenzen, Europäische Akademie Berlin, 11-13 December 2014.
2014“The impact of Europeanization on minority communities in ‘old’ member states: Italy and France”. Danish European Community Studies Association Annual Conference, Aarhus, 25-26 September 2014.
2014“The Roma as an Autochthonous and as an Immigrant Minority: Towards A European Minority Protection Regime?” UACES Annual Conference, Cork, 1-3 September 2014.
2014“’Old’ and ‘New’ Minority, ‘old’ and ‘new’ states – Roma integration as an example for transnational minority protection”. ECPR Graduate Student Conference, Innsbruck, 4-6 July 2014.
2013“’Alte’ und ‘neue’ Minderheit, ‘alte’ und’ ‘neue’ Staaten – Roma Integration als Beispiel für transnationalen Minderheitenschutz”. Konferenz der deutschen, österreichischen und schweizer Gesellschaften für Politikwissenschaft, Innsbruck, 19-21 September 2013.
2013Collaboration with National Parties as a Prerequisite for Actual Political Representation: The Case of the SVP in the Italian Parliament”. ECPR General Conference, Bordeaux, 4-7 September 2013.
2013“The Road to Roma Empowerment: A Multi-Level Governance Approach”. Workshop Theoretical Approaches to Roma Empowerment, Budapest, May 28-31 2013.
2013“The Impact of Internationalization and Norm Transfer on Minority Protection Policies”. ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Mainz, March11-16 2013.
2012“Minority Protection in the EU: A Rationalist Bargaining Approach”. ECPR Graduate Student Conference, Bremen, 04-06 July 2012.

Conference Organization

2021 (with Katrin Roller) “Apples with Pears? Opportunities for new Comparative Approaches to In­equalities, Mobility and Migration”
Panel, ÖGPW Tag der Politikwissenschaft 2021, 25-26 November 2021, online.
2021 “‘Old’ and ‘new’ minorities – Regional synergies, differences and perspectives”, Workshop, 04 November 2021, Bolzano/online.
2021 (with Volker Best) “Polarization and Democracy“
Panel, DVPW Kongress 2021 “Politik in Zeiten von Unsicherheit und Autokratisierung“, 14-16 September 2021, online.
2021 “Creating Sustainable Work Environments for Migrants” (with Katrin Roller). Stream at the EDI Conference 2021, July 12-14 2021.
2020 “Diversität ermöglichen – Ungleichheit reduzieren – Nachhaltigkeit sicherstellen: Herausforderungen und Handlungsansätze in Wissenschaft und Governance”. Workshop, Castle Ringberg, Kreuth, January 22-24 2020.
2016 “Sozialsysteme und Diversität: Forschungsfelder und Forschungsmethoden im interdisziplinären Vergleich”. Workshop in Cooperation with Prof. Susanne Elsen, Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen/Bolzano. Brixen/Bressanone, September 19-20, 2019.
2014 Diversität als Strukturmerkmal moderner Gesellschaften? Workshop, Castle Ringberg, Kreuth, February 20-22 2019.
2013   2nd South-East African and European Conference on Refugees and Forced Migrants: Health in Diversity, Diversity in Health? (with Eva Nachtschatt) Pwany University, March 12-14 2019, Kilifi (Kenya).
2013 “Wem ‘gehört’ die Teilhabe? Nutzen, Bereitstellung und Verfügbarkeit von Teilhabe als Allgemeingut” (with Eva Nachtschatt), Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy, December 6-7 2018, Munich.
2013 “Diversitätsforschung: Von der Rekonstruktion zur Disruption?” Member of the Program Committee for the Congress of Diversity Researchers from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Technical University of Munich, September 12-14 2018.
2011 – 2014 “Partizipation und Governance – Herausforderungen und neue Ansätze in Politik, Recht und Praxis” (with Elisabeth Alber), joint Workshop of the Fellow Group „Dis[cover]ability and Indicators for Inclusion 2015-2020“ at the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy, the Chair of Sociology of Diversity at TUM and Eurac Research,  September 25-27 2017, Bozen/Bolzano.
2011 1st South-East-African and European Conference on Refugees and Forced Migrants: Social Care – Rights – Mutual Benefits? Pwani University, Kilifi (Kenya), August 2-3 2016.