“Buddies for Refugees” Kick-Off Event

PresentationIn light of the ongoing refugee crisis, providing prerequisites for inclusion, possibilities for education or even just an interesting and productive way to pass the time constitute very important tasks. The Junge Akademie at TUM has therefore launched an exemplary project called “Buddies for Refugees”: Guest auditors from various countries who had to flee their homelands and could not start or continue their university education are invited to attend classes at TUM; students, scientific staff and professors assist them as “junior” or “senior” buddies, and provide help in navigating the new educational context. The program was officially launched on October 25th, and I was happy to contribute to this highly interesting project by shortly presenting political background information on the refugee crisis, EU asylum and migration policies, and the current situation in Germany. You can find the complete kick-off event program here, more information about “Buddies for Refugees” is available here.